Alaska Road Trip - Part One

Two weeks in a scenic area is going to give you a lot of reasons take your camera out. My memory cards are a testament to that. Here is a collection of photos taken from the drive from Calgary up through British Columbia and the Yukon before getting to the Alaskan border. These pictures begin at Dawson Creek - Mile One of the Alaska Highway.

Day One: Calgary, AB to Pink Mountain, BC

Spent the majority of the day in the car. Got to Grande Prairie, AB around dinner time. We wanted to get as far as we could this day. We reached Mile One of the Alaska Highway in Dawson Creek, BC and made a quick stop at the Kiskatinaw Bridge located at Mile 21. The bridge was the first curved timber bridge built in Canada in 1942-1943. It has a nine degree curve along its 162.5 m length. We got to Fort St. John after the sun had set. Our next stop would be in Pink Mountain where we knew there was a campsite. A few hours of driving in the dark is enough to wear on a guy. It was relieving to reach the campsite but seeing as it was after midnight, no one was working there. There was enough empty spots so we set up in one and left a note on the dash (a note which would be used quite often on this trip). 

Day Two: Pink Mountain, BC to Teslin, YT

Unzipped the tent to see our surroundings as we had no idea what they were. It was a common theme to have a surprise in the morning (fortunately they were generally favourable surprises). Along this drive, we made a stop a Laird Hot Springs. A good way to break up the monotony of driving. After this stopover we headed toward Yukon. Neither Mona or I had been to the Yukon before. We got stuck in some road construction which set us back at least an hour. Thankfully we had more than enough music, audiobooks and podcasts to keep us from the insane asylum. Once we made it to Teslin, we found a campsite near the lake and called it a day.

Day Three: Teslin, YT to Tok, AK

Got up at a reasonable time and scarfed down some caribou sausage and a few gulps of some watered down coffee. Today was one of my favourite days on the highway. This is because of the surrounding views, not the condition of the roads. The frost heaves had left the highway in a state akin to a roller coaster. Passing through Kluane National Park left both of us in awe. Eventually we came into another construction zone. At least it gave us time to look at the scenery, albeit on our earthquake simulator of a highway. Made it to the AlCan border and were graced with highways paved with freedom to take us to Tok where we stayed the night.

Check out Mona's amazing photos over on her blog:

Special thanks to Napier Outdoors. Check out their line of tents over at